Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Prompt: you are trying to decide who to vote for.

I step into the small, white-washed booth and draw the curtains closed around me: caging myself in. One thin sheet of paper lies infront of the poll-box, with a pencil already worn down by the voters who came before me. Three names are on that paper; next to three blank boxes: one of which, I must tick.
One person I must choose to lay my faith in for the next 'x' amount of years.
I'm not stupid. I know how much a wrong choice could cost us. After the last election, after the unbareable years that followed... I'm not as nieve now. Not young enough to listen to every word the candedates say, and far too wise to place an ounce of belief in their promisies.

I take a deep breath.
I go with my instincts.
I pray they won't fail me.

Prompt: you have had an experience that makes you question your faith.

The door slams in my face and I feel the tears before I notice I'm crying. The heat radiating from my cheek where I've been slapped is painful and I'm sure not great to look at either.
I'm shaking.
I get into the car and lock it, thankful that I had the sense not to leave the keys in the house. 
I can't go back there. 
She'll never look at me again. 
My own mother. I think... I think she hates me. 
Wrong she said. A sin. Against God. 
But I'm her son. 
I don't understand how she can just... 
I'm not a bad person! I've not hurt anyone; I've not commited a crime.
My hands are trembling as I start the ignition and realise there's only one place I can go... I hope his parents don't mind. 
A sin! I can't get my head around it. I've never questioned my faith, although I've never been particularily religious. I've always accepted the beliefs I've been brought up with... bu if it makes her act like this! If it means... I'm not normal. 
I pull out of the driveway and try to shake my head clear...
There are much more important things than faith, I'm beginning to realise that now.


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