Thursday, 5 January 2012

Interesting Exchanges: The Expansion

"James broke my radiator."

"What? How'd he manage that?"

"By being fat, I dunno... All I heard was this loud bang, followed by, "Oh, shit, sorry dude."" Josh, saying this in his usual snark-tinged drawl, gave a shrug of resignation as if he wasn't quite sure how James had succeeded in breaking his central heating.

"That's New Year's Eve for you," I chuckled in response, shaking my head. Far-fetched as Josh's little tale was, I found it somehow believeable - in that only James could pull off something like it. "Me, I was out on the town. Six in the morning when I finally got in."

"And you got wasted off... what, exactly?" came Josh's reply. The way he subtly cocked an eyebrow in incredulity didn't escape my notice. Was it so hard to believe that I of all people had enough social skill to have gone out on New Year's Eve?

"Wasted's a rather strong word," I sighed. "As much as I'd have loved to be thoroughly off my face the whole night, I was sobering up by the time I got home. Kopparberg, mostly, but the stuff gets a bit sickly after about three bottles..."


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