Monday, 9 January 2012

The Little Things

All the little things in life, we love without knowing. We love the sound of the rain, but we would only notice it if the rain were mute. We love the smell of freshly ground coffee becasue it wakesus up and I fear we would be forever drosey if coffee had no smell.
It's the simple things.
The little things.
The sound of the sea,
The feeling of your boots crashing into puddles,
The site of home, you're own front door,
When the traffic lights all turn green, just for you,
Thinking you know an answer, then later you know it's definate,
All the little, simple things we have,
We hold onto them,
Because we need them. No matter how hard we tell ourselves we won't miss them, a certain jacket on someone or the smell of your Mum's perfume, we will always miss them and be nothing without them. Without the little things.


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