Thursday, 19 April 2012

samurai blood

Samurai Blood   

Chapter one
Enemy hunter
Two men were in a Japanese dojo, it was during ancient china. The two of them wore clothes that resembled dressing gowns; they also had pyramid shaped hats made from straw. The two had a negative history between them. There was the grinding sound of their sword being taken out.
Then the fat one said to the skinny one said “we were brother.” And then the skinny replied “All wishes of the emperor must be obeyed. And all enemy’s of the emperor will die and will suffer in the land of reincarnation.” Then there was silence then a monk entered the dojo. The two men were on different sides of the room. There swords grasped in there hands. The monk then said “戦う, (fight).”
Then there was the sound of a gong the two of them then sprinted to each other there swords razed above them, then there come the sound of grinding metal as the swords made contact, there was the sound of grinding metal, the friction of the two sword made sparks shower everywhere. Then Dai, the fat one, then lost grip on his sword, as it fell to the floor, it the made a cut into his shin, it was then wedged into the floorboards.
 Then his brother, Fuyu then gave him a ‘Round house kick to the face’ the power of the kick then made the man fly in to the air and crash through the wood and paper shutter leading on to the balcony Fuyu then when onto the balcony.
 Dai was already up on his feet but he was not armed, using lightning fast speed Fuyu then swerved behind him and then attacked vital point in the back, there was a loud crunch as Dai then fell to the floor, he was paralysed from the waste down.
Fuyu then unleashed paranormal power, he then burnt his brother alive, using telekinetic powers, he then walked away as there was the stench of burning flesh, followed by the sound of a bloodcurdling shriek, and he then leaped from roof top to roof top staying in the shadows…
As Dai’s body then disintegrated into ash his last words were “I get you, I will kill you, just how you got me…”
Then his ghost then erupted from his body, the ghost then saw a victim it was a woman the ghost then took control and flew in to her body, using it as if he was the driver and she was the car, her will power.
Later that night; Fuyu had finished praying he then, he then “I knew that you were an imposter, you have not spoken to me since I have come home, there’s only one thing left to do there isn’t there?” the women then collapsed on the floor, she was having a fete “I knew that you was controlling her, Dai!!!!”
Fuyu knew that there was no way Dai could come out of her body and give her freewill back; there was only one alternative out of this, he had to kill her but in a way that to defend her honour in the afterlife, he then summoned his sword it flew across the room and into his hand, he then sliced though her hip, but only half way, he then chopped her head clean off.
He then berried her body in the back of the house, then when he enter the house he then hared a sneeze, then there was silence, Dai then ripped up the floorboards’ with his hands and pulled out a surprised and fat ninja, “how sent you!!” Dai shouted, “I will never say, you will have to kill me you old man” then using telocentric energy, the ninja was thrown and pinned against the wall, then ninja-stars flaw towards him and penetrated into his body, then using dark magic Dai then wiped the ninja’s existence, the corps then dissolved into nothingness, gone from history itself.
For some time Dai’s sister had been kidnapped but by who, then Dai realized that there was a sheet of parchment, from were the ninja once led on the floor, it had appeared to be blank, but once he had picked it up word appeared on it in a flash of green light as the map of Japan appeared on the parchment, there was a purple dot representing were he was, then there sowed a green line represent the path that he must take to find his long lost sister, he then transfigured in to an eagle and then took off into the night sky…    


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