Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Ode To A Patriot

N/A: Should be performing this for the NSPCC event tomorrow - if I can get it memorised by then. I've got a Patriot's outfit too - despite that it's all black. Ah well, take what you can! :3

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I was told I’d be a hero - that my death would be worthwhile,

That I’d be given freedom, a medal, a smile.
Maybe if I’d known before; not all things spoken are factual.
Then I could’ve saved myself – not sign up for something contractual.

The bullets – they don’t hurt – that’s not the thing you should fear.
It’s the looks of hate in your enemy’s eyes whenever they draw near.
It’s as if they enjoy the death; the chaos they create.
If I’d known these monsters then, maybe I too could predate.

Why should I die with blue, when I could perish with red?
Those Loyalists kiss the Kings arse; but I could sleep still on a bed.
 At least then I might still be shooting, and I’d get some wine on the side.
Who do these Patriot generals think we are? We’re soldiers; not bona fide.

Maybe I’d get clean clothes too – not rags stolen from a corpse.
Recognition, pay, a working armoury – something to thank my works.
Yet, it’s one thing to dream about enemies, but another to be one instead.
I’m a Patriot, always was, I’ll not let my integrity be dead.

There’s more behind this uniform, and behind this face.
I won’t give in – I won’t back down. I’ll always start the chase.
And when those dogs start running, and they see us charge behind.
They’ll know, right there and then, that they shouldn’t be so blind.


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